We tend to idolize powerful things. Prayer is no exception. God knows we're prone to worship the 'god of prayer,' so He gives us a cheat sheet to stay connected with Him.
Some view giving to God like paying a tax. If you give God what His due, He will bless you. But God doesn't care about money. He is infinitely more interested in you and what is coming from your heart.
Times are tough, and you work hard for your money. Everyone wants your money, including God. What could God possibly need your money for? The answer will shock you...
People are afraid to fast. The Bible tells us that somethings can only be accomplished through prayer and fasting. Fasting makes room for God to give His best.
No one likes doing nothing. Except God. Rest is an essential part of relationship, one that God expects us to practice.
There is a church style to suit every taste. People will attend worship based on what they like. God sees our heart. Why we worship will reveal what is deep within our heart.
The Bible is "God breathed." This means it is divinely inspired and authoritative for every believer. If the Bible is so special, why can it be so hard to understand?
We live in a time of unprecedented access to the bible, but also ever increasing biblical illiteracy. Most agree the Bible matters. Why don't people read it?
Doing "what works" or "what's good for me" will never achieve the impossible. Discipline achieves the impossible and is God's plan for us. Here's how.